Sinus Background:
I have had a sinus infection since Dec 2008. It was really bad in September – so I went to and ENT. We tried some different methods to see if the sinus infections would stop, and I had a CT scan. He gave me a strong antibiotic to take for 3 weeks (it was a LOVELY 3 weeks – no sinus infection) and irrigation. 2 days after I stopped the antibiotics my sinus were COMPLETELY full again – back to a full blown sinus infection. I was devastated. The ENT said it was time for surgery – he would straighten out my septum, reduce some glands, clean out my sinuses, and make the openings to my sinuses bigger. All of this would first clean out the infection that was there, and second help it so I wouldn’t get more major sinus infections. I wanted to do the surgery – but couldn’t make it work until January – so I “survived” the rest of the year. Then with my school schedule and everything I decided to wait until the 2nd week of Jan for the surgery
Meanwhile – back at the ranch. Last summer I was “de-junking” my house – and as I was cleaning stuff out I dropped something really really heavy on my left foot. When it first happened I thought I might have broken something – so I went to community care and had it X-rayed - luckily nothing was broken. After rest and meds, it still hurt. Over Christmas I almost couldn’t sleep because wherever I put my foot it HURT. The 1st week of Jan I went to the Foot Dr to see if there was anything we could do. He did an ultrasound and saw some scar tissue around the nerve – and said it was now a surgical case – he would go in and “release” the nerve and it should recover and no more pain. I ½ jokingly said “what about next Wednesday”, where my sinus surgery was already scheduled. He said he would talk to the ENT and see if they could work something out – They did (and my Foot Dr completely rearranged his schedule to make it work.
Now as I go through the next few days I don’t want to “blame” or “accuse” anyone. I don’t feel like it was someone’s fault that this happened, it just happened, and I need to piece it all together.
I was in the hospital by about 6 am – the surgeries started at about 8. Everything went well with the surgeries – I was back in my room by 11 am. About and hour later I tried to go to the bathroom – it didn’t work – but it was ok. They asked if I wanted pain meds – and I said yes – so they gave me 2 Loritab and I went to sleep. No monitors were attached to me – so noting was “watching” my pulse, blood pressure, Oxygen stats, ect. I was deep asleep - I do remember my mom trying to wake me up a few times – but I was in a deep fog. My mom flagged down a nurse and told her that I wouldn’t wake up – they put monitors back on me and my Oxygen saturation was at about 30%. Your O2 sat is supposed to be between 90-100. If you get below 88 the alarms go off on the monitor. It took them a long time to wake me up. And when they finally did I was still pretty “out of it”. Everything was orange. And my ears were totally in a tunnel. If someone wasn’t standing right next to me I couldn’t understand what anyone were saying – it was just a buzz. But I did hear something about spending the night – I didn’t want to spend the night – but I could tell my mom was pretty worried. So the wheeled me from Day Surgery toward the ICU. I was ½ awake and when I saw them wheeling me toward the rooms Bonnie’s was in last year I had a panic attack. I remember (what I thought was yelling – but I’m sure it wasn’t that loud) no no no no no no no not that room no no no no no. The put me in a room – but it wasn’t one of Bonnie’s. I was stressed and worried and freaking out. By this time my sister Johanna and her husband Jared were there too. I had Jared get a hold of the Bishop and they gave me a blessing – so I was able to calm down. I was mostly out of it – just laying in bed barely able to move. My nose was all plugged up because of the sinus surgery – so I had a mask on my mouth giving me oxygen. I was a little scared to go to sleep – scared I wouldn’t wake up – wasn’t really sure what was going on.
I woke up at about 6 am – I was still on oxygen – but feeling a little better. The first few hours were frustrating – I was worried about my insurance and if it was coving things. I switched insurance plans starting Jan 1st that would pay for most of the surgeries - and with the switch I was scared they had my old insurance plan and I would have to pay lots more. I wanted to know exactly what was going on. The nurses were really nice – but they weren’t quite sure who my Dr was (since I had surgery with two doctors there wasn’t a Dr listed on my chart). I was really stressed and worried. I finally was able to talk to someone in billing – and they said that they had my new insurance plan. That relieved some of the stress.
The nurses figured out that the ENT was my official Dr. He was going to come in on his lunch break to check on me. He wanted them to take some chest X-rays to see what was going on. Someone came to get me for the chest X-ray. They did not transport me with oxygen – so by the time I got down to X-ray I was really light headed. I told them – and the “in charge” person kinda freaked – but gave me oxygen. Then I had to stand up to take the X-rays. I was completely out of breath, and I couldn’t put any pressure on my left foot. So it was Exhausting to stand and hold still on one foot to get the X-rays taken. By the time I got back to my room I was a wreck again. Even though I was laying on back I felt like I was curled up in a fetal position and about 2 inches big. I was barely breathing – my little 2 inch body could only breath in a little teeny tiny bit at a time. It was really bad – I wasn’t sure if I could even keep breathing let alone live. It took a few hours and my wonderful mom often reminding me to BREATH until I was “back” to myself. The Dr came in and we talked. At this time my O2 sats were staying high enough only if I was consciously thinking about breathing. If I would focus my mind on something else my sats would drop – the alarm would sound, and I would have to focus on breathing again. I would not have lived w/out the oxygen they were giving me. The Dr said my lungs weren’t open enough – so I needed to stay another night and see if they could get my lungs working better. I was given and “incentive spirometer” (sp?) to work with every 15 min to make my lungs work better. I was feeling a little better but still a little scared. I stayed the night again with an oxygen mask.
Friday I was feeling much better. I got the word about 8 that the Dr was coming and we would make a decision. We decided it was time to go home. I still have to have oxygen – but now I’m home. I still tire very easily - and have to keep my foot elevated most of the time. But I can hobble back and forth in my house. My mom is staying with me until the Dr appt on Mon. Hopefully by then I can be off oxygen and will more quickly recover.
I really appreciate all the visits and calls I’ve gotten. I’ve felt your prayers – they kept me going – especially when I was only 2 inches big.
15 years ago