Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Lovely Morning

This morning I must have turned my alarm clock off. It is set to go off at 6:15 - I usually hit snooze once or twice and am at work by 7am. My first class starts at 7:45 - so I usually need the 45 min to gather my thoughts and make sure I'm ready to teach. Well this morning I woke up at 7:25!!!!!!!!! I panicked, quickly got dressed and did my hair, then hopped in the car to drive to work. As I was pulling into the parking lot at work I realized I didn't have my glasses on!! I have no idea how I was able to drive 2 blocks w/out my glasses, but somehow I did. I almost made it to class on time (2 min late) and survived teaching w/out glasses. Now I have two more classes to go and then I can go home and get my glasses. What an adventure :-) (And I'm soooooo thankful for glasses - if I had to live like this every day it would be really really hard!)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My lovely, neurotic, dog Scruffy

I LOVE my Scruffy - he is so sweet and kind and loving - and having someone else alive at my house who is happy to see me is a major blessing. But he is a little neurotic - I've know he has issues with the air vents (they are SCARY and to be avoided at ALL COSTS - including never EVER going into the back bedroom). Recently I bought him a set of "doggie stairs" to help him get up on the bed. I tried for 3 months to get him to use them. I used LOTS of treats to convince him that the stairs were "good" not "bad" He eventually would walk 3/4 of the way up - eat the treat I'd left, then get off and jump onto the bed right NEXT to the stairs. After a little while I moved the stairs over to where he usually jumped on the bed and he was perfectly happy to use them.

Well his latest OCD trend has showed up in his eating habits. I recently got a bigger bowl for his food so I don't have to fill it up every day. I now fill it up about once a week. Turns out he is a very "clean" eater - he picks a spot in the bowl and eats straight down. Then he moves over a little bit - and eats straight from the top to the bottom. Here is the evidence:

Day 1:

Day 3:

Day 5:

So it turns out that if my lovely dog was human, he would need counseling just as much as I do :-) I sure love him!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What I did this Summer Part 2

I went on a family vacation to Banff, Canada. We had quite an adventure - but it was a wonderful trip.

Here we are at at waterfall in Waterton

One of my favorite things of the trip was walking on a glacier - so very awesome (and cool :-)!

Later in August Chris, Natalie and family came for a while. The boys went climbing and the girls hung out with the kids. One of our favorite adventures was swimming at the Logan Aquatic Center.

I also did some sewing - but haven't completed anything. I promise to post pictures later.

What I did this Summer Part 1

Johanna and Jared were Married in the Logan Temple on July 2nd. It was a lovely wedding

One of my uncles was taking "Family Pictures" off to the side - and I wanted my "family" picture. So I gathered ALL my nieces and nephews

Later the Summer my Sprinkler system was having some struggles. Josh and his family were very kind and came up to fix them. He had plenty of help from JJ :-)

JJ and Kelsie in my hammock

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Romance In Bloom Quilt

Here is my latest Quilt Finish. I originally picked this quilt because of the pretty pretty flowers - but I love it all. After piecing it I used Embroidery (on my new 830) to quilt the setting squares - this was my first adventure with quilting by Embroidery, so it isn't perfect, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


At 9:14 this morning the newest Hanks made his appearance. No name yet - but here are some pictures.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Johanna and Jared

Even thought it is kinda crazy that my "baby" sister is getting married - I'm thrilled she is bringing Jared into our family. It is also fun to have them close. A week ago Johanna was "in charge" of the date - and this is what they did.

Then today I looked at my camera and there were some more pictures of them "together"

It is also nice having a "man" around the house. I've learned how to do lots of things by myself, but yesterday they both came over and I put them to work. Johanna weeded my whole yard. Jared got down in the "scary" crawl space to turn the sprinklers on. (It isn't that scary to anyone but me. I'm always scared I'll get down there and never get out. Whenever I have to go down I make sure my front door is unlocked and I take a phone with me - just in case I need to call someone to get me out!) . He also hung my bolt of batting on the wall, took down the Christmas lights, and carried heavy things. It was nice to have the help.

Love Is Quilt

I started this quilt last year - I finished the piecing and applique - but stopped. Now with my new machine, the blanket stitch around the applique is SOOOOOOO easy, so I pulled it back out. It took some work, but I was able to finish it in time for Mother's Day.

I'm Back

Ok - so I know I haven't posted much on this blog for the last year, but I'm making a change. I will try to post at least once a week about my life and what is going on.