Saturday, August 2, 2008


So, as I've mentioned before, I have a "black" thumb. This year I finally planted a food garden. I had my dad and brothers build me a box, filled it with special soil, and planted Corn, Peas, and Pumpkins. I had an issue with the soaker hose at one point, and it didn't get watered for a week, but some plants still survived.

It is a little lopsided (some plants are growing really well, some not so well), but today there was VICTORY! I went out this morning to check on it, and lo and behold there were some PEAS, all ready to eat!!!!

One of my favorite foods in all the world is fresh peas, eaten straight out of the garden. They are so sweet and cool and yummy. Frozen or canned peas just don't taste as good.

So hopefully for the next few days I'll get to eat fresh peas every day - yum yum


Angela S said...

I think it looks fantastic!

Chris said...

We didn't plant pea's this year due to how late we started, but next year they are a must. Looks good to me.

Natalie said...

Isn't it so fun to have a garden. We are loving it. We are enjoying our beans cucumbers summer squash and zuchini right now. I have started to give it away because we have more then we can eat.