Monday, July 28, 2008

Another reason I LOVE Quilting

I ordered this quilt kit, and was pleasantly surprised when it came all folded and packaged in a basket. SOOOOOOO fun. Here is what the quilt is supposed to look like. I'm going to replace the blue border with a green border, but the important part is ALL THE ROSES!

My Lilies are Blooming!!!

I planted these lily bulbs a few years ago, and surprise surprise they bloomed (I tend to have a black thumb). I was worried they would bloom and be done while I was at my family reunion last week - but there are still blooms. I just think they are beautiful.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here we go

Ok, so I've decided that it is time to seriously start blogging. I'm not sure how often I'll update, but I'll try to do it fairly regularly.